Dr. Ranimol Stephen


    Associate Professor
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    Teaching Experience: UG & PG- 13 years
    MSc, PhD
    Inorganic Chemistry, Polymer Science and Technology


Associate Professor

Postgraduate & Research Department of Chemistry

St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Devagiri

Calicut – 673 008, Kerala, India

Tel: +91 9446288448


Web of Science ResearcherID is W-4100-2019

                                                                    Google Scholar citations- 1307, h- index-18







Doctor of Philosophy, Chemistry, Mahatma Gandhi University, India

Thesis:  Studies on the properties of natural rubber, carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber latices and their blends with micro and nano fillers

Prof. Dr. Sabu Thomas, School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma             Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India


Master of Science, Chemistry, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India


Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India


                                    UG and PG level chemistry ( 13 Years)

                                    Specialisation- UG (all chemistry)

                                                            PG- Inorganic Chemistry


              ¨ Junior Research Fellow of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India (2000-2001)

                                    ¨ Junior Research Fellow of Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi, India (2001-2004)

                                    ¨ Senior Research Fellow of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India (2005-2006)

                                    ¨ Post Doctoral Fellow of University of Twente, The Netherlands (2006-2008)

                                     ¨ Dr. D.S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellow (UGC), Cochin University of  Science and Technology, Cochin, India (2009-2011)

                                    ¨ Travel grant awarded from INSA for attending Latex Conference 2012 in Malaysia

                                    ¨ US Patent, 2013

                                    ¨ DST- SERB Fast Track project for Young Scientists, 2013

                                    ¨ NANOSO (Elsevier)- ICNM- 2017 Emerging Investigators Award 2017

                                    ¨ Certificate of Reviewing from journals of ACS, Wiley, Elsevier and Springer in recognition of the review contributed to the journals.

                                    ¨ EFCS-2022 Young Scientist Award


  • More than fifteen years of project and research experience in the field of applied chemistry with special emphasis to Polymer chemistry and technology.

  • Skilled in the synthesis of segmented block copolymers and monodisperse tetra amide segments with two phase structure and better properties.

  • Experienced in preparation, characterization and properties of micro and nano composites.

  • Expertise in compatibilization, properties and processing of polymer blends.

  • Conducted advanced research on gas barrier and solvent transport properties of micro and nano filled polymer membranes.

  • Investigated and reported the effect of ion beam irradiation on latex membranes.


2023- Present               Associate Professor

                                   St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Devagiri, Calicut, Kerala, India

2011-2023                    Assistant Professor

                                   St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Devagiri, Calicut, Kerala, India

2009-2011                    Post Doctoral Fellow

                                   Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala,  India

2006-2008                     Post Doctoral Fellow

                                    University of Twente, The Netherlands

2005-2006                     Senior Research Fellow (CSIR)

                                    Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India

1999-2005                     Research Fellow

                                    Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India


Research guide in Chemistry, University of Calicut from 2013- present

No. of PhD awarded: 01

No. of  PhD students: 03


  • Indian Rubber Research Institute (IRI) (Life Member)
  • American Chemical Society (ACS)- Rubber Division (Annual Member)
  • Calicut Chemistry Collective (CCC) (Life Member)


  1. FDP on “Advanced Pedagogical Techniques” conducted by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi from 22 - 28 July, 2023
  2. FDP on “Academic Writing” conducted by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi from 10 - 16 May, 2022.
  3. Online STC "Nanomaterial Characterization Techniques" conducted by UGC- HRDC, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad from January 4th to 9th 2021.
  4. FDP on Online Education in Higher Education Institutions conducted by the Faculty Development Centre of the Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC), Thiruvananthapuram through online mode from 13th to 17th July 2020.
  5. NPTEL four weeks certification course in Bioinorganic Chemistry, August 2019.
  6. FDP in Philosophy of Science conducted at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery by KSHEC, Thiruvananthapuram from 6- 10 May, 2019.
  7. Refresher Course in Nanoscience conducted by UGC-HRDC, University of Calicut, sponsored by UGC, New Delhi from  29th November to 19th December, 2018.
  8. Refresher Course in Environmental Studies conducted by UGC-HRDC, University of Calicut, sponsored by UGC, New Delhi from January 08th  to January 29th , 2015.
  9. Orientation Course conducted by UGC-HRDC, University of Calicut, sponsored by UGC, New Delhi from July 30th to August 27th, 2014     


               ACS, Wiley, Elsevier, Springer and Sage Journals

              Book proposals of Elsevier


               The Netherlands, Germany, USA and Malaysia



  1. Ms. Abhisha V.S, Research Scholar won Best Paper Award in the conference National Seminar Frontiers in Chemical Sciences ( FCS- 2024) held at Department of Chemistry, University of Calicut, 13-15 February 2024.
  2. Ms. Jeeshma R,  Research Scholar won Best Poster award- Water in the conference 4th International Symposium on New Trends in Applied Chemistry held at Sacred Heart College, Thevara, Kochi, 7-8 February 2023.
  3. Ms. Abhisha V.S, Research Scholar won Best Poster award- Polymer in the conference 4th International Symposium on New Trends in Applied Chemistry held at Sacred Heart College, Thevara, Kochi, 7-8 February 2023.
  4. Ms. Jija Thomas, Research Scholar won First in Oral Presentation in the Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas- International Online Conference on Advanced Nano Materials (ICAN 2021) held at Center for Nanoscience and Technology and Department of Basic Sciences, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kerala, 14-16 December 2021.
  5. Ms. Jija Thomas, Research Scholar won Second prize in short invited talk in the International Online Conference on Macromolecules held at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala  & Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, 13-15th November 2020.
  6. Ms. Abhisha V.S, Research Scholar won Best Poster Award in National Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (EFCS-2018) held at Farook College, Calicut, 23-24th November 2018.
  7. Ms. Swapna V.P, Research Scholar won Best Poster Award in Engineering & Technology section in the 30th Kerala Science Congress held at Government Brennen College, Thalasserry, Kannur, 28th- 30th January 2018.
  8. Ms. Swapna V.P, Research Scholar won KSCSTE- Springer Award for presenting the best poster in Engineering & Technology section in the 30th Kerala Science Congress held at Government Brennen College, Thalasserry, Kannur, 28th- 30th January 2018.
  9. Ms. Swapna V.P, Research Scholar won Best Paper Award (26th SSC Best Paper Award) in Physical  Science section in the 26th  Swadeshi Science Congress held at CMFRI, Cochin, 7-9 November  2016.
  10. Ms. Swapna V.P, Research Scholar won Best Poster Award (ISCA Best Poster Award) in Material Science section in the 103rd Indian Science Congress held at University of Mysore, 3-7 January 2016.

        11. Ms. Saranya E.P,  MSc Project Student won IIIrd Prize in Project Presentation Contest held at  Department of Chemistry, Malabar Christian College, Calicut, 2014  

       12. Swapna V.P, Research Scholar won IIIrd Prize in Poster presentation in Third International Conference on Polymer Processing And Characterization (ICPPC-2014), School of Chemical            Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam,               India, 11-13 October 2014.


  1. PI: Dr. Ranimol Stephen, Project title: Fabrication of thermoplastic- Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Nanocomposite Films for Gas Barrier Applications – ‘A Bottom – Up Approach,  Funding agency- DST-SERB, New Delhi, Budget: Rs. 21,12,632/-, Duration: 2013- 2017 ( 3 ½ years),  Status: Completed.
  2. PI: Dr. Ranimol Stephen, Project title: Fabrication of High Performance Materials from Natural Rubber (NR) and Conductive Fillers (CFs) for Electronic Applications by Interphase Modification,  Funding agency- RUSA, Budget: Rs. 2,50,000/-, Duration: 2019- 2021 (1 ½ years),  Status: Completed.
  3. PI: Dr. Ranimol Stephen, Project title: Poly(lactic acid) based nanocomposites for water purification, Funding agency- IQAC, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Devagiri, Calicut (Research Promotion Seed Grant Scheme), Budget: Rs. 57500/-, Duration: 2023-24, Status: Completed.


Sabu Thomas and Ranimol Stephen, Rubber Nanocomposites: Preparation, Properties and Applications, published by Wiley, Singapore in April 2010. ISBN NO: 978-0-470-82345-3.


  1. Jija Thomas and Ranimol Stephen, Nanocellulose Extracted from Nutshells as a Potential Filler for Polymers: A Green Approach, chapter in the book Foundation and Growth of Macromolecular Science Advances in Research for Sustainable Development, 2024, Published by Apple Academic Press, ISBN: 9781774913673
  2. Abhisha, V.S., Stephen, R. (2023). Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes. In: Abraham, J., Thomas, S., Kalarikkal, N. (eds) Handbook of Carbon Nanotubes. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN978-3-030-91345-8
  3. Ranimol Stephen, An Overview about the Growing Usage of Elastomeric Foams and Nanocomposite Derivatives in the Foam Market in the book Multifunational Polymeric Foams, 2023, ebook ISBN: 9781003218692, CRC Press
  4. R Jeeshma, V.P. Swapna, Ranimol Stephen, MXene- Elastomer Nanocomposites in the book MXene- Filled Polymer Nanocomposites, 2022, eBook ISBN: 9781003164975, CRC Press
  5. Swapna V.P, Ranimol Stephen, Chapter 18 - Mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties of POSS nanocomposites in the book Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) Polymer Nanocomposites: From Synthesis to Applications, 2021, Elsevier,, Pages 385-403, ISBN: 978-0128213476.
  6. R Stephen, K Pal, S Thomas, Polymer Matrix-Based Nanocomposites: Preparation and Properties, 2021, 317-331, Springer,, Print ISBN978-3-030-40512-0.
  7. Kaushik Pal, Asiya SI, Ranimol Stephen, Sabu Thomas, Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) in the Handbook of Polymer and Ceramic Nanotechnology pp 281-292, 2021, Springer,,  Print ISBN978-3-030-40512-0
  1. SwapnaV.P., Abhisha V.S, Ranimol Stephen, Polymer/ POSS Nanocomposite Membranes for Pervaporation in the book Polymer Nanocomposite Memranes for Pervaporation in the book Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for Pervaporation, 2020 Elsevier, 9780128167854
  2. Swapna V.P, Ranimol Stephen, Nanostructured Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS): Structure, Properties and Applications in the book Recent Advances in Nanotechnology and Material Science, UGC- HRDC, 2018, University of Calicut, ISBN 978-3-16-148410-0
  3. Vakkoottil S. Abhisha, Valiya P. Swapna, Ranimol Stephen, Chapter 18. Modern Trends and Applications of Gas Transport Through Various Polymers in the book Transport Properties of Polymeric Membranes, 2017,  ISBN: 978-0-12-809884-4
  4. Swapna V.P., Ranimol Stephen, Recyling of Rubber, in the book Recycling of Polymers - Methods, Characterization and Applications, Editor: R. Francis published by Wiley-VcH, 2016, ISBN No.: 9783527338481  
  5. Ranimol Stephen, Sabu Thomas, Electronic Applications of Styrene- Butadiene Rubber and its Composites, Chapter 9, in the book Flexible and Stretchable Electronic Composites, Editors: D Ponnamma et al., Publishers Springer International, Switzerland, 2016, ISBN No: 978-3-319-23663-6.
  6. Ranimol Stephen, Sabu Thomas, Nanocomposites: State of the Art, New Challenges and Opportunities, Chapter 1, in the book Rubber Nanocomposites: Preparation, Properties and Applications, Editors: Sabu Thomas and Ranimol Stephen published by Wiley, Singapore in April 2010, ISBN NO: 978-0-470-82345-3.


Ranimol Stephen, Co-Inventor, Title: Segmented polyarylether-block copolymers, Patent No.: US 8,524,853 B2, Date of patent: Sep.3, 2013.

PUBLICATIONS (International)

  1. Thomas, J., Thomas, S. & Stephen, R. Nanocellulose extracted from pistachio nut shells as a template for nanosilver synthesis and its antimicrobial activity. Cellulose 31, 293–308 (2024)., (IF = 5.7)
  2. Jeeshma Ramachandran, Selvin P Thomas, Sabu Thomas, Ranimol Stephen, Effect of annealing on the morphology and properties of poly (lactic acid)/polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane asymmetric porous membranes prepared through non-solvent induced phase separation and its application, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Volume35, Issue3, 2024 e6328, (IF =3.4)
  3. Abhisha, Vakkoottil Sivadasan; Sisanth, Krishanagegham Sidharathan; Thomas, Sabu; Stephen, Ranimol, Kinetic studies on the transport behavior of hybrid filler incorporated natural rubber (NR), Express Polymer Letters, 2023, Vol 17, Issue 10, p1070, DOI:10.3144/expresspolymlett.2023.80 (IF =3.3)
  4. Vakkoottil Sivadasan Abhisha, Krishanagegham Sidharathan Sisanth, Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai, Harikrishnan Pulikkalparambil, Suchart Siengchin, Sabu Thomas, Ranimol Stephen, Comprehensive experimental investigations and theoretical predictions on the physical properties of natural rubber composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume139, Issue47, December 15, 2022,e53197, (IF =3.125)
  5. Valiya Parambath Swapna, Meera Krishnan, Vakkoottil Sivadasan Abhisha, Ranimol Stephen, Efficient cage structured polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane embedded poly (vinyl alcohol) membranes: Thermal degradation and mechanical stability in hydrated condition, J. Appl. Poly.Sci., (2021), Volume 138, Issue46, 51377, (IF = 3.125)
  6. Valiya Parambath Swapna, Abitha Vayyaprontavida Kaliyathan,, Vakkoottil Sivadasan Abhisha, Hanna Joseph Maria, Padinharu Madathil Gopalakrishnan Nambissan,Sabu Thomas, Ranimol Stephen, Changes in free volume and gas permeation properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite membranes modified using cage?structured polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., (2021), 138(10), 49953, (IF=3.125)
  7. Abhisha V.S,  Aneeta Augustine, Jesna Joseph, Selvin P. Thomas, Ranimol Stephen, Effect of halloysite nanotubes and organically modified bentonite clay hybrid filler system on the properties of natural rubber, Journal of Elastomers and Plastics (2019),, (IF = 1.7)
  1. Swapna V.P, P. M. G. Nambissan, Selvin Thomas P, Vayyaprontavida Kaliyathan Abitha, Thomaskutty Jose, Soney C. George, Sabu Thomas, Ranimol Stephen, Free volume defects and transport properties of mechanically stable polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane embedded poly(vinyl alcohol)?poly(ethylene oxide) blend membranes, Polymer International (2019), 68(7), 1280-1291, (IF = 3.2)
  2. Swapna V.P, Thomasukutty Jose, Grace Moni, Soney C. George, Selvin Thomas P, Sabu Thomas, Ranimol Stephen, Mechanical properties and pervaporation separation performance of CTAB-modified cage-structured POSSincorporated PVA membrane, Journal of Material Science, (2019), (IF = 4.5)
  3. Swapna V. P, Thomaskutty Jose, Soney C. George, Sabu Thomas, Ranimol Stephen,Effective and Ecofriendly Separation of Azeotropic Mixture of Tetrahydrofuran (THF) – Water: Pervaporation Method Using PVA/ POSS Membranes, J. Appl. Poly.Sci., (2018) (accepted), DOI: 10.1002/app.47060 (I F = 3.125)
  4. Swapna V.P, Deepalekshmi Ponnamma, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Sabu Thomas, Ranimol Stephen, Effect of Nanostructured Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane on the Physical Properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol), J. Appl. Poly. Sci., 134 (2017) 45447 (I F= 3.125)
  5. Swapna V.P, Saranya.E.P, Nithya AB, Sabu Thomas, Ranimol Stephen, Properties of Polysulfone/Halloysite Nanocomposite Membranes: Prepared by Phase Inversion Method, Macromolecular Symposia, 361, Issue 1, 11-19, 2016  (IF = 1.5)
  6. V.P. Swapna, Ranimol Stephen, T. Greeshma, C. Sharan Dev, M.S. Sreekala, Mechanical and Swelling Behavior of Green Nanocomposites of Natural Rubber Latex and Tubular Shaped Halloysite Nano Clay, Polymer Composites, 37(2), 602-611, 2016, (IF = 5.2).
  7. Swapna V.P, Ranimol Stephen, Selvin Thomas P, Suresh K.I., Saranya V, Rahana M.P, Thermal Properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA)/Halloysite Nanotubes Reinforced Nanocomposites, International Journal of Plastics Technology, 19, 124-136, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s12588-015-9106-3.
  8. Ranimol Stephen, Cecile M. Gibon, Martin Weber, Reinoud J. Gaymans, Modifying an Amorphous Polymer to a Fast Crystallizin Semi-crystalline Material by Copolymerisation with Monodisperse Amide Segments, J. Polym.Sci.Part A: Polym.Chem., 48,6, 2010 (IF = 2.591).
  9. Ranimol Stephen, Cecile M. Gibon, Martin Weber, Reinoud J. Gaymans, Synthesis and Properties of Poly(sulphone-arylate) copolymers, J. Polym.Sci.Part A: Polym.Chem., 47, 3904, 2009 (IF = 2.591).
  10. Ranimol Stephen,  Kuruvilla Joseph, Zachariah Oommen, Sabu Thomas, Molecular Transport of Aromatic Solvents Through Micro composites of Natural Rubber (NR), Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) and their Blends, Composite Science and Technology, 67, 1187, 2007 (IF = 9.1).
  11. Ranimol Stephen, K.V.S.N. Raju, Mohan Rao, Bejoy Francis, Kuruvilla Joseph, Sabu Thomas, The Flow Properties of Unvulcanised Natural Rubber (NR)/ Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latices and their Blends, J.Appl.Polym.Sci, 104, 2528, 2007 (IF = 3.125).
  12. Ranimol Stephen, K.V.S.N. Raju, Siby Varghese, Kuruvilla Joseph, Zachariah Oommen, Sabu Thomas, Dynamic Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of Nanocomposites of Natural Rubber (NR) and Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latices and their Blend, Rubber Chem. Technol., 80(4), 672, 2007 (IF = 2.081).
  13. Ranimol Stephen, Seno Jose, Kuruvilla Joseph, Sabu Thomas, Thermal Degradation and Ageing Behaviour of Micro Composites of Natural Rubber (NR), Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latices and their Blends, J. Appl.Polym. Sci., 105, 341, 2007 (IF = 3.125).
  14. Ranimol Stephen, Siby Varghese, Kuruvilla Joseph, Zachariah Oommen, Sabu Thomas, Gas Transport Through Nano and Micro Composites of Natural Rubber (NR), and their Blends with Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latex Membranes, Polymer, 47(3), 858, 2006 (IF = 4.6).
  15. Ranimol Stephen, Siby Varghese, Kuruvilla Joseph, Zachariah Oommen, Sabu Thomas, Diffusion and Transport Through Nanocomposites of Natural Rubber (NR), Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) and their Blends, J. Mem. Sci., 282, 162, 2006 (IF = 9.5).
  16. Ranimol Stephen, Seno Jose, Kuruvilla Joseph, Zachariah Oommen, Sabu Thomas, Thermal Stability and Ageing Properties of Sulphur and Gamma Radiation Vulcanised Natural Rubber (NR), Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latices and their Bblends, Polym. Deg. Stabi., 91, 1717, 2006 (IF = 5.9).
  17. Ranimol Stephen, Siby Varghese, Kuruvilla Joseph, Zachariah Oommen, Sabu Thomas, Rheological Behaviour of Nanocomposites of Natural Rubber and Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber Latices and their Blends, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 101, 2355, 2006 (IF = 3.125).
  18. Ranimol Stephen, Kuruvilla Joseph, Sabu Thomas, Mechanical Properties of Sulphur Prevulcanised and Gamma Radiation Vulcanized Natural Rubber (NR) and Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latexes and their blends, J.Natu.Rubber Res., 9(2), 78, 2006 (IF = 0.128).
  19. Ranimol Stephen, Kuruvilla Joseph, Sabu Thomas, Gas Permeation Studies of Natural Rubber (NR) and Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latices and their Blend Membranes, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 98, 1125, 2005 (IF = 3.125).
  20. Ranimol Stephen, K.V.S.N.Raju, Sobha V. Nair, S.Varghese, Z.Oommen, S.Thomas, Mechanical and Viscoelastic Behaviour of Natural Rubber (NR) and Carboxylated Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latex Blends, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 88, 2639, 2003 (IF = 3.125).
  21. J.Krijgsman, G.J.E.Biemond, R.Stephen, R.J.Gaymans, High Tg Segmented Copolymers with Monodisperse Crystallisable Segments, Polymer Preprints(ACS Conference, March 2007), 48(1), 418, 2007.
  22. Selvin P Thomas, R. Stephen, S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Thomas, Polymer Nanocomposites: Preparation, Properties and Applications,  Gummi Fascrn Kunststoffe, 9, 544, 2006.
  23. C. Radhesh Kumar, I. Aravind, R. Stephen, Peter Koshy, J. Jose, H.J. Radusch, G.H. Michler, R. Reghunatha Varma, Sabu Thomas, Blends of Nylon 6/66 and Acrylonitrile- Butadiene Rubber: Effects of Blend Ratio and Dynamic Vulcanization on Morphology and properties, Prog. In Rubb. Plast. Recy. Technol., 21, 277, 2005.
  24. Aji P. Mathew, S. Packirisamy, Ranimol Stephen, Sabu Thomas, Transport of Aromatic Solvents Through Natural Rubber/ Polystyrene (NR/PS) Interpenetrating Polymer Network Membranes, J. Mem. Sc., 201, 213, 2002 (IF = 9.5).
  25. J. J. Manikath, B.  Francis, M. Jacob, R. Stephen, S.  Joseph,  S. Jose, S. Thomas, Interaction of n- Alkanes with Crosslinked cis-1,4- Polybutadiene, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 82, 2404, 2001 (IF = 3.125).
  26. Sobha V. Nair, Ranimol Stephen, Zacchariah Oommen, Sabu Thomas, Phase Morphology Development in Nylon/PS Blends, Intl. Plast. Engi. Technol., 4, 1, 2000.


  1. Ranimol Stephen, Polymer membranes for separation application, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science & Devices- 2023 organised by RP Publishers and sat Kabir Institute of Technology & Management, Haryana, India, 29-31 December, 2023 (IL).
  2. Ranimol Stephen, Effect of hybrid fillers on the transport behavior of natural rubber (NR) composites, International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (EFCS-2023) organized by PG and Research Department of Chemistry, Farook College, Kozhikode, 19-21 December 2023 (PP)
  3. Ranimol Stephen, Natural rubber latex nanocomposites, Recent Trends in Material Science: Macro to Micro, Valued added course conducted by Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, August 2022 (IL).
  4. Ranimol Stephen, Gas Separation Performance of Mixed Matrix Membranes Based on Poly Vinyl Alcohol and Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane, International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (EFCS-2021) organized by PG and Research Department of Chemistry, Farook College, Kozhikode, 29-31 October 2021 (IL).
  5. Ranimol Stephen, Gas Transport Properties of Polymeric Membranes: Origin and Evolution, International Online Conference on Macromolecules  (ICM 2020)“100 YEARS OF POLYMERSCIENCE – FROM PAST TO FUTURE” organized by Mahatma Gandhi University, P.D Hills P.O, Kottayam and Gdansk University of Technology,Gdansk, Poland, 13-15 November, 2020 (IL).
  6. Ranimol Stephen, National webinar on Polymers- A Century of Advancement organized by Centre for Nanoscience & Technology, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering 10-11 July 2020 (IL).
  7. Ranimol Stephen, Swapna V.P, Transport Properties of Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes Based on Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Cage Structured Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane, Fourth International Conference on Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterisation and Applications ICN-2019, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala,  12-14 April 2019 (IL)
  8. Ranimol Stephen, Abhisha V.S, Swapna V.P, Effect of Functionalised Cage Structured POSS on the Thermal Degradation and Water Stability of PVA, Emerging frontiers in Chemical Sciences EFCs- 2018, Farooq College, Calicut, Kerala, 23-24 November 2018 (PP)
  9. Ranimol Stephen, Swapna V.P, The Potential of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane in the Membrane Properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol), ICNM- 2017, SCS, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, 10-12 February 2017 (IL)
  10. Ranimol Stephen, Swapna V.P., Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Incorporated Polymer Membrane for Water Purification: Pervaporation Technology, ICNM- 2017, SCS, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, 10-12 February 2017 (PP)
  11. Ranimol Stephen, Segmented Block Copolymers Based on Poly(sulfone) and an Aramid Unit, International Conference on Advances in Polymer Technology (APT-2016), PS&RT, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin, Kerala, India, 25- 26th February 2016 (CL)
  12. Ranimol Stephen, Sabu Thomas, Effect of Nanoclay on the Properties of Natural Rubber (NR) and Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latices : A Comparison, Latex & Synthetic Polymer Dispersions 2012, Paper 13 in Conference Proceedings, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012 (IL)
  13. J.Krijgsman, G.J.E.Biemond, R.Stephen, R.J.Gaymans, High Tg Segmented Copolymers with Monodisperse Crystallisable Segments, ACS Conference, Chicago, USA, March 2007 (PP)
  14. Ranimol Stephen, Sabu Thomas, Design of Latex Membranes Based on Natural Rubber    (NR)/ Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latex Blends for Gas Transport,    Indian Science Congress, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, January 2003 ( Paper selected and presented for the contest- ISCA- Young Scientist Award in Material Science)
  15. Ranimol Stephen, Sabu Thomas, Studies on the Effect of Ion- Beam Irradiation on Natural Rubber and Synthetic Rubber Latices and their Blends, Accelerator Users Meeting held at Nuclear Science Centre (NSC), New Delhi, India- July 2001 ( Presened and project sanctioned)
  16. Ranimol Stephen, Sabu Thomas, The Effect of Fillers on t Rheological Behaviour of Natural Rubber (NR)/ Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber (XSBR) Latices and their Blends, Swadeshi Science Congress held at Kerala Forest Research Institute(KFRI),  Kerala, India- November, 2001(CL)



  • Tutor of BSc Chemistry 2015-18, 2018-21 and 2021-24 batches
  • IPR Cell coordinator
  • Research advisory and ethics committee member
  • Editorial board member of Devagiri Journal of Science
  • IQAC department coordinator (2020-2024)
  • Board of Studies member of Chemistry, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous)  Devagiri






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