Latest News : Dr. Sabu K. Thomas Award for Best Research Paper in Entomology declared - Winner Visakh N.U., Research Scholar, Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara . Congratulations !       EXAM NOTIFICATION - ONE TIME SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION DECEMBER 2024       FIRST SEMESTER AUDIT COURSE SUPPLEMENTARY/ IMPROVEMENT EXAMINATION NOVEMBER 2024 (FOR 2023 & EARLIER ADMIISION STUDENTS)TO BE HELD ON 10 DECEMBER 2024, 1 PM      

Details of Research Scholars 

         Academic institutions are the principal source of basic research that expands the frontiers of knowledge and produces discoveries that enrich the lives of people. Institutions of higher education, world wide, recognize research as an important part of their responsibilities, while retaining knowledge dissemination as their primary function. In light of this realization, St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri, has been zealously pushing for a stronger research orientation among its students and faculty members.

Research in the College has been given a strong thrust, putting it on par with teaching-learning. Six departments (Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, English, Mathematics and Physics) are approved research centres. After the reaccreditation five scholars completed research from our centres and were awarded PhD. Most of the departments offer project works to encourage research activity among the students. Eight faculty members completed research and were awarded PhD during the last five years, while nine others are pursuing research leading to PhD. At present the institution is running ­­­­6 major and 20 minor research projects with a total outlay of Rs. 1,44,79,400. Since the last accreditation, the College has substantially strengthened the basic research facilities by availing CPE, DST, GDA and BSR grants. Most of the faculty members publish papers in referred journals. The College has launched an international science journal and a journal of social work. The Research Advisory Committee helps the faculty by providing information regarding funding sources and co-ordinating the research activities in the College.

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